TEXTILES & Sculpture 

I create textiles and sculptures to codify personal memory and mark space. The psychological and spiritual aspects of the pieces are abstract- using pattern and geometry to conceal, transform, protect, retain and release. I work through multiple layers- drawing and painting by hand, making digital surface designs, quilting the textile and sewing 3-dimensional forms. The works are built as blocks- into wall hangings and large interior and exterior sculptures. I use additional techniques- coiling and embroidery, digitally design and machine woven jacquard, beading, to extend ideas.

Research & PROJECTS

My materiality research and projects center on embellishment, exploring links between semiotics and ornamentation. Signaling through pattern and symbol, as found in nature and in cultural practice, is a central element of my inquiry. As is the way in which tools and technology impact the formulation of meaning in material form. My process centers making, beginning with a question or play prompt that is explored in physical prototypes, samples and digital sketches. The outcome of the work is both new materials and design speculation, articulation of craft thinking, and teaching methods.